Help Create the NEW BRUNSWICK Story


On May 6th, 2015 an inspired discussion with entrepreneurs, thought-leaders, students, artists, academics, social enterprises and industry specialists, on shaping New Brunswick’s future took place. The packed fully bilingual symposium included hearing stories of emerging businesses, place makers, newcomers and social ventures that are “making it” in New Brunswick.
"Be part of the dialogue by telling us your story and how to positively promote New Brunswick as a place of innovation and opportunity."
Our Special Guests
John Bragg,
Chairman & Co-CEO Oxford Frozen Foods Ltd. President; Owner/Founder of Eastlink

Noah Richler,
Award Winning Canadian Author.
Richard Saillant
Director of the Canadian Institute
for Research on Public Policy
and Public Administration.
Shannon Litzenberger,
Toronto-based contemporary dancer,
choreographer, producer,
arts advocate and cultural policy buff.

The Lineup
Stories from New Brunswick Changemakers

President & Co-Owner Real Food Connections Ltd

Jeff Schnurr, Executive Director, Community Forests International.

Sean Dunbar, Owner of Northhampton Brewery

Greg Hemmings , Founder/CEO Hemmings House

Melani Flanagan,Co-founder of KinderGuardian.

Moncef Lakouas, Student Leadership Movement

Nancy Mathis, founding Executive Director of the G. Wallace F. McCain Institute for Business Leadership.

Jimmy Therrien, Program Delivery Officer The Gaia Project

Fredéric Laforge CEO & Creative Director, Smithy Creative Group

Jake Powning, swordsmith and owner of Powning Swords

Owner of boutique Sucré Salé, CEO of and Diversis Inc.

Marc E. Surette, PhD, Professor and biomedical health researcher, Université de Moncton.

Mohamed Ali Mhalla, Founder/Owner of Blue Olive restaurant and International market.

Natacha Dugas, CEO of AppFrogs Inc.

Rishin Behl, Co-Founder and CTO Resson Aerospace Corp.

President Fundy Pros Specialty Construction

Michel Losier, Program Director of PowerShift Atlantic and Director of Customer and Community Engagement, NB Power

Jasmine Amal, PhD Candidate in Business and Economics; micro-finance, women, and social entrepreneurship.

Alyson Brown, Co-Owner, Operator and Production Manager Legacy Lane Fiber Mill.

Caroline Savoie, singer songwriter

Dr. Shelley Doucet, Jarislowsky Research Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care

Trevor MacAusland, VP Business Development Propel ICT
Meet The Hosts:

Susan Chalmers- Gauvin
CEO and Co-Founder of Atlantic Ballet Theatre of Canada
Kathryn Hamer
President of the Board of Artslink
The HOMEbody Symposium
The HOMEbody Symposium is focused on hearing YOUR ideas. Be part of the dialogue by telling us your story and how to positively promote New Brunswick as a place of innovation and opportunity. Contribute to generating ideas on:
• Entrepreneurship
• Place-making
• Finding your own leadership
• Community leadership
• Returning from failure
• Social venture/ enterprises
• Immigration
• and other industry sectors
The day’s dialogue culminated in Creating Our Story of why New Brunswick is a great place to live, work, innovate and create including: identifying our assets, key opportunities and possible projects and narratives on how to build New Brunswick’s future.
The HOMEbody Symposium is a public engagement initiative of Atlantic Ballet Theatre of Canada in partnership with

Arts Link NB